The entrance of little Evander...

Let me preface this with I am not a birth photographer, it’s not my specialty in the least and I personally do not have the capacity to dedicate to really becoming one due to my husbands job and living away from family. However, when a friend asks me to capture her birth I jumped on the opportunity because what an HONOR it is to be able to do it amidst the chaos of this year. If I were to become a birth photographer I would probably specialize in home births, due to the fact of being able to move about easier and being able to witness so much amazement in an intimate setting. I loooooove home births so much and if were were ever to get pregnant (it’s not in the cards folks, I promise) I would have a home birth 100%.

I got the text in the middle of the night, “I’m in labor,” she said. I quickly jumped to my feet and called her husband asking what he thought of her progress since the midwife hadn’t even arrived yet. His response was,
”I would come now. She tends to progress through birth fast.”
Told my parents I was leaving and to watch my kiddos. Tossed my camera bag in the car and other snacks for myself and took off. Upon entering their home it was already dawn at that point. A rainbow had actually come up over the mountain as I was driving and I started to cry. What an amazing gift to see on a momentous occasion of the birth of a babe!
Sarah’s pregnancy with Evander was anything but normal. From a mystery illness that caused severe pneumonia for which she was hospitalized for with tubes coming out of her back to drain the infection, to strep a causing sepsis post birth. Yet you wouldn’t know any of that at all watching her go through labor and delivery. Evander’s birth was the silver lining to everything and what a glorious occasion it was.
Thank you Sarah and Sam for letting me into your private space.
What an honor,

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